When Things Fall Apart: Uncertainty
We might see the moral of the story as “you should have so much faith that you can walk on water toward Jesus” but the truth of this story is that Jesus walks toward us. The truth of the story is that my abundance of faith or lack of faith does not deter God from drawing close. That even if you are scared to death you can say Lord Save Me and the hand of God will find you in even the darkest waters. Because this is a story not of morals but of movement. Not of heroes of the faith making their way to Christ but of Christ drawing near to you in the midst of fear.
— Nadia Bolz-Weber
- Behavior has meaning, not just “right or wrong”
- Is Peter testing his own faith by trying to walk on water, or is he questioning the appearance of Jesus on water in the storm?
- Once Peter is safe in the boat, Jesus asks him the question he can’t answer: “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” I wonder if Jesus asks this question, not because Peter gives way to panic and nearly drowns, but because his doubt compels him to make a foolish request in the first place. I wonder if Jesus’s question means something like this: “Peter, as soon as you saw me, I told you exactly who I was. You heard my voice. I spoke words of assurance and comfort to you. Why didn’t you believe me?” — Out on Water (Journey with Jesus) – Debi Thomas
- Perhaps Peter would be wise to discuss with others Christ followers in the boat first, rather than going alone