Lenten Sermon Series: Songs of Lent
Authentic Sacrifice
What we have lost… is a full sense of the power of God — to recuit people who have made terrible choices; to invade the most hopeless lives and fill them with light; to sneak up on people who are thinking about lunch, not God, and smack them up side the head with Glory.
— Barbara Brown Taylor, from
Home By Another Way
- v4 – you realize how you sin against God, then you realize how you sin against others
- Glory: the ultimate weight, the ultimate worth
- v16 – only authentic sacrifice would be accepted by God
- True to yourself
- humble yourself in front of God
- True to God
- to know God, His abundant grace and mercy, and His love for us
- we can be confident of all that because of Jesus
- True to the Community
- v18-19 – it cannot be only about yourself
- True to yourself