Just some more notes after reading the book A New Kind of Christian.
The people who talk the most about God are the ones most in danger of taking him for granted, of letting God become just a comfortable word in their lexicon, a piece of furniture, rather than a reality, a friend, a constant surprise. The people who talk the most about loving God are the ones most in danger of being PROUD of how much they love him. The people who speak most vehemently against sin are the most in danger of feeling superior to those whose sins they excoriate, thus falling prey to an even more horrible, subtle species of sin. And since they preach so hard against sin, they are also the most in danger of yielding to the temptation to hide the sins they themselves commit.
I think this is particular true; we have seen some pretty bad church scandals in recent years. Personally I think I have a different problem, if not opposite; I find it uncomfortable for me to speak or “preach” to others, in the back of my mind, I’m not doing a particular good job of resisting temptation of sin. Otherwise, it would be like, Do as I say, Not do as I do.
Do you think that God would want a heaven filled with people who cared more about being saved from hell than saved from sin? Who cared more about getting their butts into heaven than being good? Who cared more about having their sins forgiven than being good neighbors? Who in fact became worse neighbors precisely because they became so religious in their concern about their own personal souls?
I could imagine Maggie saying or asking these kinds of questions; in fact, she probably did use some of these exact words long time ago. Unfortunately I was just getting comfortable being a “Modern” Christian, brushing off her questions and doubts. I guess I am reading this book 7 years too late (or this book came out 2 years too late, strange relief I found) It turns out Maggie was ahead of us when it comes to being postmodern. –KC