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The Laugh of Sarah

Genesis 18:1-15; 21:1-7, NRSV


I know there are Christians, so called, who never crack a smile and who can’t abide a joke, and I suppose Presbyterians contribute their quota. But I don’t meet very many of them. The stereotype as such is a big lie created, presumably, by the devil. One of the delightful discoveries along the way of Christian discipleship is how much enjoyment there is, how much laughter you hear, how much sheer fun you find.

— Eugene H. Peterson
A Long Obedience in the Same Direction

  • Laughter: Incongruity, Surprise

  • Cynical laugh at first
  • self-loathing
  • “Shall I have pleasure”
  • God is not shaming her for not admitting she laughed
  • Sarah’s laughter is devoiding anything wonderful
  • Laughter without wonder is bitter

  • Transform Laughter
  • Sarah is transformed
  • Genesis 21:6 – God’s lasting laughter – Grace

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