Lenten Sermon Series: Everyday Spirituality
Everyday Awe
There is nothing drab about worship: but something rather exciting as we wait for God to move. There is nothing clerical about it: every member is involved. There is nothing verbose about it: silence can be golden. “There was silence in heaven for about half an hour” when the ascended Jesus disclosed himself (Rev. 8:1) Time after time I have known a divine stillness fall upon a congregation when the Spirit of God has been active in it. Nobody moves. Nobody wants to go. Sometimes it is a total silence. Sometimes it leads into informal praise. But everyone knows that the Lord has made his presence felt.
— Michael Green, from
Living the Story: Biblical Spirituality for Everyday Christians
- Awe, as in Worship
- Children need stories in order to worship; celebrating stories
- Are we aware of what story we celebrate when we worship?
- Story of God’s steadfast love
- Rehearsing the Story
- There is a need to repeat it
- Like practicing an musical instruments
- Muscle memory for the soul
- Adjustment/Improvement will slowly come
- Practicing the Story
- Be part of the story
- Be recipient of God’s love, and participate in spreading God’s love and message
- To welcome others
- To teach children to tithe, to gift