The Frustration and Freedom of Desire
Desire is insatiable not because the goods of the world are too few, too uniform, or too bland. Desire burns through the goods of the world, even though these goods are not false or intrinsically unsatisfactory…. Desire shatters the economy of things; it disputes the tyranny of objects. It longs for the great emptiness, which is beauty and love without limitation. — Wendy Farley The Wounding and Healing of Desire
- patience and self-control were in previous sermons, but how are they applied on sexuality
- false self
- manipulate body/image
- false self of purity in church: “just stop”, “just quit” the desire/passion
- Desire in Song of Songs
- Focus of desire
- Frustration of desire
- Song 3:1-3
- kill the desire, or
- attach the energy of desire (becomes addiction)
- Freedom of desire
- addiction is where we try to find God (isolation leads to addiction)
- freedom comes from the road of failures
- Final 2 thoughts: we are created to
- be communion with one another (i.e. community)
- have compassion (community of compassion)